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Shop Holidays was founded in February 2020 as a company that believes everyone around the world celebrates something. Our goal is to equip our customers with the best ways to celebrate their favorite holidays with over 100 holidays in our lineup. I currently serve as Vice President and Lead Designer alongside company owner Malloy Tootle. As lead designer, I am responsible for generating new and creative ideas for our apparel to help our customers celebrate any holiday of their choosing. Click the button to learn more.



Three words come to mind about Fuller: quality, creative, and unprecedented. Fuller has an excellent display of color and detail. He combines all his many great talents into whatever we need. Whether it's apparel design, brand content, or web design, he is the go-to for all of our creative endeavors. Shop Holidays started out as just an idea in my head back in 2019, and Fuller helped bring it to reality. He's a long time friend, but he takes his work seriously and always looks for ways to improve our business. If I ever need something, I know where to go.

Malloy Tootle

Founder / CEO

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